Trust mechanisms for 5G environments – INSPIRE-5Gplus deliverable D4.1

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INSPIRE-5Gplus trust mechanisms – PoT security agent

INSPIRE-5Gplus deliverable D4.1 – Trust mechanisms for 5G environments – describes the trust enablers identified by INSPIRE-5Gplus.

The document introduces the applied methodology and specifically trust mechanisms investigated in the project. It includes a description of each enabler’s functionality as well as the relevant problems and challenges to address, the state of the art in their field, the solution proposed related to the problem, the status of development, and what the expected limitations are.

For each of described enablers, the document identifies ways of extension and interaction with other INSPIRE-5GPlus enablers or potential third-party features.

The document also describes, how the different enablers are aligned and integrated with the overall INSPIRE-5Gplus architecture: Each trust enabler is associated with defined components in the INSPIRE-5Gplus high-level architecture.

D4.1: Trust mechanisms for 5G environments (10/09/2021) – PDF for download –


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