Security Service Blockchain for Network Slice Broker presented at IEEE PIMRC 2021
INSPIRE-5Gplus partner University of Oulu presented the latest INSPIRE-5Gplus results on security service blockchain for network slice broker at IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications 2021 (IEEE PIMRC) with a paper entitled “ How DoS attacks can be mounted on Network Slice Broker and can they be mitigated using blockchain? ”.
IEEE PIMRC 2021 was held as a virtual conference from 13th to 16th September. The paper was presented online by Tharaka Hewa in Session T5-10 entitled “Experimental Networks”, which was part of Track 5: Experimental Networks, Services, Applications and Business. Authors of the INSPIRE-5Gplus paper from the University of Oulu are Tharaka Hewa, Anshuman Kalla, Pawani Porambage, Madhusanka Liyanage, and Mika Ylianttila.

Security Service Blockchain for Network Slice Broker presented at IEEE PIMRC.
© 2021 Tharaka Hewa, University of Oulu
In this paper, the authors first present the possible ways in which DoS/DDoS attacks can be mounted on Network Slice Broker (NSB) and their adverse effects. Second, they propose and implement an initial blockchain-based solution named Security Service Blockchain (SSB) to prevent DoS attacks on NSB. Third, they enumerate the challenges and future research directions to effectively utilize blockchain for mitigating DoS/DDoS attacks on NSB. To evaluate the performance, the proposed SSB framework is implemented using Hyperledger Fabric. The results manifest that the latency impact of the legitimate slice creation, overscaled upon malicious traffic, remains minimal with the use of the SSB framework. The integration of SSB with NSB results in gaining a several-fold reduction in latency in a DoS attack scenario.