INSPIRE-5Gplus High-Level Architecture presented at ETSI ZSM Forum
The INSPIRE-5Gplus framework High-Level Architecture (HLA) was presented at the 6th ETSI ZSM Forum on 12th April 2021. The virtual event was part of LAYER123 Europe 2021: 360° Network Automation Congress. This year the congress focused on the commerciality of network automation and how other technologies can benefit from enhanced automation.
At the ZSM Forum, the INSPIRE-5Gplus HLA was introduced as a ZSM-based architecture solution for 5G security services by Jing Ping, Senior Standardization Specialist at ETSI ZSM, in her presentation “Security Analysis and Mitigation Measures for the ZSM Framework and Solutions”.
The ETSI ZSM (Zero-touch network and Service Management) group was formed in December 2017 with the goal to accelerate the definition of the required end-to-end architecture and solutions.