5G security new breed of enablers – INSPIRE-5Gplus deliverable D3.3
INSPIRE-5Gplus deliverable D3.3 – 5G security new breed of enablers – presents the set of AI/ML driven enablers developed by the INSPIRE-5Gplus project. INSPIRE-5Gplus has focused on main security use cases and integration aspects of AI/ML for cognitive security functions in 5G and Beyond 5G networks. They include detection and mitigation, data support for cognitive security, robust AI/ML, and the security of AI via software security techniques and resilience schemes.
Accordingly, this deliverable shows that the researched AI/ML techniques improve the identification and detection of network traffic related to malicious activities, such as Botnet traffic, DDoS attacks, V2X misbehaviour, and GPS spoofing. Additionally, an AI/ML driven approach optimizes security mechanisms such as MTD, which requires proactive and efficient decision making.
D3.3: 5G security new breed of enablers (03/03/2022) – PDF for download –